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Fixed Income Market Summary February 2021

Performance Snapshot: Sector Summary: US Treasuries:  Yields on US Treasuries surged in February on positive economic news and growing inflation fears.  The rate increases came mostly in the intermediate and long portion of the yield curve. The slowly reopening economy…

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Fixed Income January 2021

Fixed Income Market Summary January 2021

Performance Snapshot: Sector Summary: US Treasuries:  US Treasuries stumbled out of the gate in January despite increased volatility in equity markets. Interest rates rose across the Treasury curve as additional stimulus and inflation remain in focus. The Federal Reserve Open…

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Fixed Income Market Summary – August 2019

Performance Snapshot: Sector Summary: US Treasuries: Mounting equity market volatility in August directed investors to the safety of Treasuries, with prices increasing and yields declining across the board. As a result, Treasuries were the best performing sector in August, earning…

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Fixed Income Market Summary – July 2019

PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT While equities have been strong through July, so too have bonds.  In fact, all domestic fixed income sectors outperformed the S&P 500 since 10/1/2018. Sector Summary: US Treasuries: The Treasury yield curve flattened, with shorter-term rates rising sharply…

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